a blog for fans of sport and architecture

Monday, September 26, 2011

Field Trip - Clemson's Death Valley

This past weekend I headed back to South Carolina for a college football game in Clemson's Memorial Stadium.  Even though the experience was more or less the same as the 30 or so I went to during my undergraduate career, I tried to evaluate the differences in other venues I've attended.  More specifically, I wanted to find the positives and negatives that could be applied to my own design this semester.

One difference is setting of the two stadiums.  Death Valley is located on Clemson's campus and surround mostly by grassy intramural fields and a couple parking lots.  The Coliseum is roughly the opposite, on a large city owned site off campus with a large amount of the open space paved and designated for parking.

Inside, the two differences in bowl design are based on the history of each stadiums use and needs.  The Coliseum was constructed for the Olympics and thus is designed for track and field events and left untouched even when college football became its primary function.  Memorial Stadium was built in sections, with luxury boxes and athletic offices added as needed.

Overall, it was a good trip back to my alma mater, topped off with a Clemson W.


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